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Take a Trip Aboard the Miami Beach Trolley


Miami Beach may be known for its strong contemporary vibe, but city officials are taking a trip back into the past with its latest unveiling. Today, the city is debuting a trolley service intended to bring a bit of relief to holiday travelers that could use a break while also providing snowbirds a convenient means of getting around the barrier island.

Officially called the Middle Beach Loop, the trolley service—which is complimentary—connects the Mid-Beach route to the North Beach Trolley and Alton-West Loop, considerably simplifying getting around for residents and tourists that need to reach North Shore and South Pointe. The Middle Beach Loop extends from the northern part of 17th Street to 44th Street. Some of its stops include Collins Park, the Miami Beach Convention Center, Mount Sinai Hospital, City Hall and several other points of interest. The official ribbon cutting ceremony and inaugural ride happened earlier today at 22nd Street and Liberty Avenue.

The Middle Beach Loop can carry up to 25 passengers at a time and there are also accommodations for disabled passengers. Despite being free to travel, the trolley is ultra modern, boasting complimentary Wi-Fi, security cameras, tracking in real time, and more.

Will you be taking a trip on the trolley this holiday season?

This update is presented by Miami Beach Realtor Tim Allen of Blackstone International Realty, specializing in Icon South Beach.  If you are interested in Miami Beach condos such as the Continuum condos for sale, call Continuum expert Tim at 305-588-2451 for information on sales and rentals.